Aran Suddi

279 games reviewed
71.1 average score
70 median score
58.1% of games recommended

Aran Suddi's Reviews

Aran Suddi has been a game reviewer for over four years, based at TheSixthAxis. He is also the site's co-news editor, bringing as much news as he possibly can to players. Aran's love for gaming began when he received a Sega Mega Drive when he was six years old, and is a fan of all genres though RPGs are his most preferred games.
Dec 11, 2018

As an entire series, The Council is worth playing, but the conclusion could have had so much more to explore.

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Burning Bridges is a lot less action-packed with no major set pieces that stand out. Instead, this episode Louis interacts with only a few of the inhabitants of the island with most of the discussion taking place between himself and Mortimer. These chats do reveal a lot of information as well as secrets that have been the focus of Sarah's investigations, with a number of revelations being dropped without much fanfare.

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Jul 24, 2018

While it can be argued that is entertaining, it also means those moments feel glossed over. Yet Ripples does keep your attention and its actual end really does set up a showdown of words that has great potential.

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The Council's second episode doesn't manage to hit the highs of the first, which could be down to it being smaller in scale in comparison. Hide & Seek's murder mystery does bring you in and advances the overall plot in a big way, but at the same time it feels like more could have been made of it.

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The Mad Ones' episode lays the foundation of a potentially intriguing mystery narrative, part An Inspector Calls, part Murder on the Orient Express. The Social Influence system, if implemented well through the rest of the episodes, really could be a game changer for narrative adventures, evolving a genre that has needed fresh ideas for a while.

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If Blood and Wine is to be The Witcher series’ finale, then it’s going out on a high note that befits the high standards that have been set over the years. If you’ve enjoyed The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, then this expansion is essential.

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Apr 7, 2016

Blues and Bullets is shaping up to be an intriguing game, but it may be worth waiting for the complete package.

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Sep 3, 2015

Dishonored: Definitive Edition is a game that will be great for those yet to experience the game, since it brings one of last generation's best to PS4 and Xbox One. If you've played Dishonored before then it might be worth picking up closer to the release of Dishonored 2, whenever that may be, as a refresher course, but there is nothing that really shouts "must have" for people who have already skulked in Dunwall's sewers, drank in the Hound Pits pub and blinked across the city's rooftops.

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Hearts of Stone is a piece of DLC that has been done right, genuinely adding to an already great game. The antagonist in this content is for me a better and more interesting character than the members of the actual Wild Hunt from the main plot, and you also learn more about Geralt's past too. If you own and enjoy The Witcher 3 then Hearts of Stone is easily recommended, but go in knowing as little as possible because there are some truly spectacular moments to be had.

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Jun 1, 2023

AWAY: The Survival Series had a shot at providing something a bit different, but it has a multitude of issues that hold it back. Maybe the number of bugs is supposed to be some meta commentary about the actual creatures in the game, but I doubt it.

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3 / 10 - Samurai Riot
Jun 9, 2022

It is a shame that Samurai Riot Definitive Edition has such numerous technical issues, because they impact what would be a decent side scrolling brawler. Without the issues, the game would be a decent thing to play. One run through the game takes approximately two hours, but in its current state Samurai Riot is just frustrating.

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Mar 7, 2022

Babylon's Fall is just dull, repetitive and ultimately forgettable. The combat at the game's core so simple and lacking in challenge, especially if you have a full team. We all know that PlatinumGames are capable of games so much more than this, and Square Enix should probably step back from their live service efforts, because they simply haven't cracked it.

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3 / 10 - Femida
Apr 14, 2020

Femida is a game that had promise and an intriguing setting, but it's not explored well enough. It all seems superficial with characters that lack any depth and resolutions that feel incredibly rushed. It's not a great day when a judgment like this is passed.

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3 / 10 - NBA 2K18
Sep 21, 2017

You absolutely cannot ignore how NBA 2K18 is a full price game that also integrates the business model of a free to play/pay to win title and the way that the enjoyment you get from it suffers because of it.

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Jan 31, 2017

Knee Deep isn’t an adventure title worth playing, lacking any real hallmarks of the genre. The few puzzles essentially solve themselves, there is very little player participation outside of dialogue choices, and the plot is so bloated with forgettable characters that you lose track of who is who. It seems like the best ideas were poured into the design of Knee Deep, creating a well made digital stage show with voice actors who put in a decent performance. Unfortunately if Knee Deep was a real theatre show I would assume that the final curtain would fall quickly.

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3 / 10 - Shadwen
May 17, 2016

Honestly, Shadwen feels like it needed more time in development, both to work on its core ideas and bring them to fruition. The bland environments, the lack of an interesting plot, the technical issues, and the various gimmicks makes Shadwen a poor stealth and assassination game. At the very least, it tries to do something a little bit different, but simply doesn’t pull it off.

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3 / 10 - Armikrog
Aug 30, 2016

In a way Armikrog feels like a tech demo for something much bigger, a showcase of what a final build could look like, with the majority of the character dialogue and story still to be added in. The fantastic claymation and the decent music can only distract so long from the facts that Armikrog feels soulless, lacks any charm, has boring characters, and has puzzles that could have been more interesting. The story of Tzurk and Meva told on the tablets would have made for a much better game.

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3 / 10 - Soul Axiom
Jun 7, 2016

Having played a few of Wales Interactive games, Soul Axiom is a disappointing release from a studio that is capable of better. Muddled in with the disjointed story and an uninteresting cast of characters, there are a few glimpses of genius design that only serve to highlight the lacklustre moments that surround them. Soul Axiom tries to discuss the subject of the soul, but doesn't have one itself.

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Oct 5, 2015

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 should be remembered not just as a bad game, but as an indicator of the industry's hubris, where games are continuously released in a broken state. It's a shame, because if there was more time then Robomodo's efforts may have eventually led to a fantastic skateboarding game. Instead a classic franchise has been tarnished and an audience scorned.

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4 / 10 - Backbone
Nov 24, 2021

Backbone had the potential to fill a bit of a void for a noir style game, but it comes up short. It opens with a strong prologue, but the story that follows tries to hit too many different themes meaning there's a lack of focus by the time it comes to a conclusion.

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