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As Dusk Falls

INT./NIGHT, Xbox Game Studios
Jul 19, 2022 - Xbox Series X/S, PC, Xbox One

OpenCritic Rating


Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

9 / 10
PC Gamer
80 / 100
Metro GameCentral
7 / 10
4 / 5
Game Informer
8.8 / 10
9 / 10
9 / 10
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As Dusk Falls - Official Announce Trailer

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Critic Reviews for As Dusk Falls

An interactive movie that tells a memorable story of human choices.

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As Dusk Falls' interactive crime drama is a masterwork of branching storytelling where decisions matter and repeated playthroughs are rewarded with even more revelations.

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A gripping experience, despite an ending that kicks itself up the arse.

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A tense and dramatic interactive movie with superbly realised characters, a breathless plot, and a still-frame animation style that's likely to prove extremely divisive.

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As Dusk Falls blends Netflix-style prestige drama with Telltale-style game storytelling to great results

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As Dusk Falls hides many secrets down the winding paths of its story web, and by its nature, you won’t get the full picture in any single playthrough, encouraging replayability. But you may also be tempted to play through one take on the story and then step away, content that you’ve seen “your” version play out. Either way, this is a weighty and gratifying excursion into interactive drama, confident enough in its writing to not rely on superpowers or fantasy. For players interested in the progress of interactive narrative frameworks, it’s a laudable success. But even for someone who never plays games, it works. That’s because good characters and storytelling make for a universal experience, and this is a project that has both.

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Due to its strong script and pitch-perfect performances, Interior Night's debut stands among the very best games of its kind.

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As Dusk Falls caught me by surprise, taking a genre of game that's become a bit too familiar and injecting it with a tense crime drama and a singular flair. My hat goes off to Interior/Night and I'm really looking forward to seeing what they do next.

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