Cody Medellin

635 games reviewed
71.6 average score
75 median score
42.7% of games recommended
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8 / 10.0 - Gunbrella
Sep 26, 2023

Gunbrella is a very solid game. It isn't perfect due to some easy boss fights, and it isn't quite a Metroidvania because of the game's linear nature. However, it does make good use of the titular weapon in performing some nice platforming tricks, and you'll enjoy some meaty combat with most of the enemies. If you don't mind the game's short playtime, you'll have some fun with Gunbrella.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Lies of P
Sep 18, 2023

Lies of P is a solid Souls-like title that benefits from being one of the first to emulate parts of the Bloodborne vibe and style that people have been clamoring for since that title was released. The time period and Belle Epoque style give the game a fresh identity of its own, and the title tones down some of the elements from the From Software hit, while still retaining the high level of difficulty that fans enjoy. The combat can be deep due to the weapon variety, and the secrets to be uncovered are numerous, which partially makes up for the lack of online functionality. As long as you don't try to look too much into the story, you'll find Lies of P to be an enjoyable experience all around.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Kujlevka
Sep 18, 2023

Kujlevka is a fascinating game. The alien invasion setup may be well-worn territory, but the setup and outcome make it worthwhile, since it plays out so differently than expected. The "slice of life" story contrasts well with the off-the-wall dream sequences, and the result is a game with a very interesting story and multiple outcomes. It may not be a stunning game to look at, and the outcome variety isn't that vast, but the experience is compelling enough that you'd want to give it a spin at least once - if not multiple times.

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Sep 15, 2023

Samba de Amigo: Party Central is a fun title that still has some faults. The use of motion controls is fine until the game misreads your movements, while the more traditional gamepad method works well because it does more in mimicking motions and being challenging in its own right. The lack of focus on more Latin-themed music is disappointing considering the nature of the maracas, but the variety of music ensures that it's trying to reach a wider audience that enjoys the likes of Just Dance. The modes are fun, but the grind in replaying certain songs multiple times to earn more currency for cosmetics can be bothersome, especially given the presence of two different currency types. Samba de Amigo remains a charming rhythm game experience that genre fans will enjoy if they can forgive those quirks.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge Dimension Shellshock DLC is a well-thought-out piece of DLC. The roguelike nature of the survival mode is neat thanks to the various backdrops that are rendered in the modern pixel style and the various powers that tweak the combat for the better. The bonus characters are awesome to play, as they complement the roster without feeling overpowered as their stats would suggest. For those wanting to return to the game after a year or playing it for the first time, the Dimension Shellshock DLC is worth adding to the game experience.

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Sep 5, 2023

Chants of Sennaar is a fascinating puzzle adventure game, and that is mainly due to its translation aspect. While it can lead to frustration in some cases, it greatly enhances the puzzle aspect by adding an extra layer of challenge on top of some brain teasers. The stealth elements feature a combination of solid mechanics, quick restarts and a generous checkpoint system. With an alluring presentation to back it all up, Chants of Sennaar is a game that adventure fans will definitely enjoy.

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6 / 10.0 - Somerville
Aug 30, 2023

Somerville is a game where both the new and old ideas don't work in the game's favor. The platforming is nonexistent, while the puzzles are hampered by either a lack of creativity, an uncooperative physics system, or a combination of both. The use of 3D produces situations where your objectives can become obscured due to the camera angle and distance. The shock and awe one would expect from the game's pedigree is greatly dampened, and the wordless story doesn't do much to carry a narrative that seems pedestrian and doesn't care about its characters. Some will still find fun in the various situations, and the runtime is brisk enough if everything works in your favor. If you are still interested in Somerville, wait for a sale before checking it out.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Fort Solis
Aug 22, 2023

Your impression of Fort Solis is going to depend on many factors, with the biggest one being how forgiving you are of its issues. The story seems fine until you break down motivations. The graphics look good until you start looking beyond the characters. The acting is good, but the gameplay isn't as tight as it should be due to some odd design decisions. It is a game that might be fine for fans of modern story-based adventure games, but don't expect it to be anywhere near the height achieved by some of the bigger titles in the genre.

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We Love Katamari Reroll + Royal Reverie is just as magical as the games that came before it. The core mechanics remain just as charming and fun as before, while the more varied environments and requests give the concept some more depth. The Royal Reverie part may be disappointing, but it doesn't take away from the main experience that still does a great job of making everyone smile. Just like that first game, it's a classic and deserves a place in everyone's gaming library.

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7 / 10.0 - Atlas Fallen
Aug 10, 2023

Atlas Fallen is fine in parts and frustrating in others. The world seems fascinating, but the characters are the least compelling part of the story. The combat can feel fluid, and the number of powers you can use makes for a good deal of build possibilities. You'll wish there were more weapons, though. Traversal is fun, but you will need to ignore Nyaal, who often calls out things that are nowhere in the proximity. The development team could've used some more time to tighten things up, but ultimately, Atlas Fallen remains a good distraction in between other, more polished action-adventure games.

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Aug 9, 2023

Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical isn't the roleplaying experience its title and marketing would have you believe it is, but the game commands your attention to the end. The story is a good, old-fashioned murder mystery with Greek gods. The various characters keep the tale feeling fresh and moving along at a good pace. The comic book look is striking, and the songs are outstanding, but the story and various choices grant the game longevity that endures beyond the novelty of using songs in almost every scene. Visual novel fans will love this title, and music lovers will be entertained by how the story doesn't slow down the proceedings. Players who are slightly curious about the visual novel gameplay style will find Stray Gods to be a good gateway.

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6.5 / 10.0 - After Us
Aug 2, 2023

There's a fascinating game hiding in After Us. The melancholy tale of resurrecting a desolate Earth makes for an interesting premise, but it isn't told in a way to make you care much about it. The platforming generates some good moments, but it is also clunky in places due to the physics and lack of explanation in the tutorial. The combat is rather unnecessary and unexciting, but it is functional, while the presentation remains fetching. Patches are still being created to tweak the game, and there is some potential to fix the technical issues experienced in the early portion of this playthrough. For now, it isn't a game that you need to seek out and play if there are other options to tackle.

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Jul 31, 2023

Two years after its release on the PS5, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart remains a solid title in a long-running franchise that hits the mark. The simple story is bolstered by both the existing characters and new ones that carry the same amount of depth. The action flows smoothly between different types, and the addition of a dash move gives the game a sense of speed that makes combat feel better. It looks absolutely gorgeous thanks to the increased horsepower of the PC, and while some annoyances do exist, the release is much more solid when compared to some of the other big PC titles in the last 12 months. Rift Apart is well worth buying, and the hope is that Sony takes this opportunity to put the older adventures on the platform as well.

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7 / 10.0 - Strayed Lights
Jul 28, 2023

Your view of Strayed Lights is going to depend on what kind of player you are. If you love playing defensively, then you'll like what's on offer, as it mostly works with a few hiccups. If you're more of an attacker, then the slower-paced fights and lack of minion variety doesn't make for an appealing adventure. The game is short enough that it doesn't drag on for too long, making it worth experiencing for those who are intrigued.

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Jul 27, 2023

The concept behind PixelJunk Scrappers Deluxe is good. Mixing a beat-'em-up with garbage collection seems like a strange concept, but it all works thanks to the pacing of each segment and the simplicity of the mechanics. It's the little things - the paltry move set, the small opening for successful garbage collection, the need to repeat levels, the ease with which one can lose track of where they are - that pile up to drag down the experience a peg. It is still worth checking out for the semi-distinct nature of it all, but be sure to temper your expectations.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Exoprimal
Jul 21, 2023

As we said in our initial preview, there's potential in Exoprimal. The basic mechanic of blasting away dinosaurs is absolutely fun, and the presence of competent bots filling in for missing humans ensures that no one is going to get shortchanged in a bout. There are enough goals in a match that there's no guarantee about what you'll get to play, and that keeps things fresh enough if you can progress through levels at a good clip. At the same time, the lack of a campaign mode hurts when it feels like the story is better served by having one, even if it only mimics Dinosaur Hunt with bots. Since this is an online-only game, it has a definitive shelf life unless Capcom can patch in something to help prevent the game from being obsolete if the servers ever get pulled. The game is fun now, and its presence on Xbox Game Pass ensures that subscribers can give it a shot before committing to a purchase, but it'll be interesting to see if the population holds up by the time the second season rolls around.

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Jul 20, 2023

At its core, Terror of Hemasaurus is a fun title. The scattershot nature of the story might not hit the funny bone for some people, and the lack of online play is a shame. The addition of physics to the core gameplay loop along with varied objectives ensures that the game isn't monotonous during its short playtime. If you still have a soft spot for wanton destruction by abnormally large animals, Terror of Hemasaurus is well worth seeking out, especially with friends in tow.

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Jul 19, 2023

Harmony: The Fall of Reverie feels like a game that works best for players who are curious about the visual novel genre but want more recognizable game mechanics and a few restrictions to help them along. The Augural makes choices simple enough if you're trying to go for a specific outcome, but the story and character reactions make you second-guess your approaches. The game looks and sounds wonderful compared to many of its contemporaries, and while it might not make you a convert to the genre, it is an interesting adventure that you'll want to go through, provided you can get over the constant world-flipping and a few story quibbles.

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Jul 12, 2023

As a sequel, Oxenfree II: Lost Signals is at least on par with the first title. The game strikes a good balance of platforming and puzzle-solving, while also giving you the freedom to figure out things without much hand-holding. The art style may present small characters, but the graphics still shine, and the music is haunting enough to maintain a feeling of unease throughout the adventure. It is once again the fleshed-out characters, deep narrative, and excellent pacing that will keep you hooked on the game from the opening moments all the way to the end credits. For fans of adventure games, Oxenfree II is a worthy buy, even if you've never played the first title.

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Jul 6, 2023

Crime Boss: Rockay City isn't a complete disaster. The idea of fusing together managerial duties with action-oriented shooting works well on paper since the gameplay styles complement each other. However, neither aspect plays out that well, and when you combine it with a lackluster story and worse than mediocre performances, the experience doesn't improve as you get further into it. Unless you're hard up for a crime-based game, there's little reason to give this title a shot.

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