Daniel Quesada

183 games reviewed
78.7 average score
81 median score
54.9% of games recommended
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Unscored - Disintegration
Jun 10, 2020

It offers a distinct personality and really attractive challenges, but it needs a little more variety and a more balanced gameplay.

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Mar 13, 2022

‎With all the pain of our heart, we are clear that it is one of the worst games we have tried in a long time, both visually and in its overall performance.‎

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41 / 100 - Super Seducer
Mar 7, 2018

We are sure that La Ruina is a pick up artist, but he didn't pick our interest for that matter. It will work as a manual for someone, we supose...

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Oct 28, 2022

An adventure with good intentions and desire to move to classic terror, but that derails in the technical and in the design of several tests. I needed more testing, clearly.

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Jun 4, 2017

A great opprtunity gone to waste beacuse of the lack of content, numerous technical issues and terrible servers. It offers great ideas, but they end sunk at the bottom of Crystal Lake.

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Oct 15, 2020

We are really sad to confirm that such a promising project has sunk in a sea of bugs, control issues and unstable sound. If you REALLY love horror, maybe you should give it a chance, but be ready to get frustrated more often than not.

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51 / 100 - Tamarin
Sep 10, 2020

Tamarin had the ingredients to become a remarkable experience, but the final product is a weird and shocking mixture of tones and genres. It has its moments, but terrible camera movements and cumbersome exploration ruin the experience.

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Feb 20, 2020

A series of interesting ideas never fully take off because of a gameplay that doesn't really know what it wants to offer.

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Apr 6, 2017

A rhythm game that can't match the standards of today's gaming in almost no department. You could be interested on it because of nostalgia, but there isn't any more substance to it that that.

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53 / 100 - Bright Memory
Nov 11, 2020

The technical razzle-dazzle and the interesting gameplay proposal can't hide a flawed, graphically simple experience. Although it feels poor at the moment, it has the potential to become something really better.

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56 / 100 - The Crown of Wu
Mar 21, 2023

A new sample of game in which it is seen that there is desire, but there is a lot to polish and redesign. The competition is too fierce in the genre to stand out.

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56 / 100 - Evil Inside
Mar 25, 2021

A noble atempt to emulate the horror we experienced with P.T., but the final result is not as engaging. It needs a better closure.

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57 / 100 - Sonic Forces
Nov 7, 2017

Think of it as a Sonic games for the toddlers at home. Even so, it keeps some mistakes from which Sonic Team should have learned a long time ago.

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60 / 100 - Taxi Chaos
Feb 23, 2021

Copying a formula doesn't necessarily replicate its success. Taxi Chaos is an OK-ish game with good intentions, but it lacks the charisma and fun factor that made Crazy Taxi a classic.

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This action game holds part of the charm of the original comic, but can´t manage to offer a good balance on the gameplay side. Too tedious, too hard for a family friendly game.

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63 / 100 - Separation (VR)
Mar 6, 2020

It works best as a piece of art and catharsis than as a fully enjoyable videogame. It has its moments and its surreal landscape certainly is attractive, but the game looks as a too private experience that only its creator will fully understand.

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It proposes an universe and some attractive ideas, but they are not interesting enough to overlook a crude graphical performance and some really repetitive gameplay mechanics.

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64 / 100 - Dawn of Fear
Feb 4, 2020

This effort to relive the roots of survival horror has its heart in the right place, but too many glitches and an uneven balance in the gameplay lessen the experience.

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64 / 100 - Home Sweet Home
Jun 5, 2019

It looks and feels so similar to other horror games and it can't reach the level of quality they have. It offers some quality scares, tough.

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May 18, 2019

An OK-ish platforming game that offers some good humor, but fails in many aspect of the level design.

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