David Jenkins

223 games reviewed
70.3 average score
70 median score
48.4% of games recommended
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Nov 24, 2014

Possibly the worst Sonic the Hedgehog game ever made, which considering some of his previous lows is one of the harshest insults in gaming.

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Nov 27, 2014

Another unspeakably bad platformer that beyond its more general faults seems to purposefully misunderstand the appeal of the entire Sonic franchise.

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A new low for Nintendo and for Animal Crossing, in what is the least amount of fun you can have with an amiibo without needing urgent medical attention afterwards.

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2 / 10 - Devil's Third
Aug 26, 2015

Staggeringly inept on almost every level, with crimes against game design, and good taste, that cannot be forgiven solely by the low budget.

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Nov 20, 2013

A shallow and unambitious tech demo, of the sort that console launches specialise in. The action works perfectly well but it's instantly repetitive to the point of inanity.

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The worst Mario & Sonic game yet and not just a waste of a crossover but a genuinely poor mini-game compilation, and one that makes both the Wii U and the GamePad look bad.

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3 / 10 - Hatred
Jun 1, 2015

Ultra violent and desperate to shock, but this is far too boring and repetitive a game to either love or hate.

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3 / 10 - Contrast
Nov 25, 2013

It'd be nice to say that at least it's something different but Contrast is far more mundane and derivative than it first appears. It's also a near farce on a technical level.

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3 / 10 - Knack
Nov 17, 2013

A poor quality video game by any measure, but what this joyless throwback is doing being a key launch title for the PlayStation 4 Sony only knows.

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A terrible backwards step for Transformers games, and a movie tie-in so cynical it tries to cut corners by ripping off its own predecessors.

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Oct 23, 2014

The worst game Platinum has ever made, and thanks to its sheer incompetence and banality almost the Bizarro World opposite of Bayonetta.

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4 / 10 - Saints Row
Aug 22, 2022

A tragically outdated open world adventure that almost has more in common with Goat Simulator than Grand Theft Auto, despite some moderately entertaining mechanics.

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Mar 21, 2016

As long as you don’t turn on 3D mode this is almost as good as the original Wii U game, the only problem being the Wii U version wasn’t very good at all.

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Mar 13, 2014

About as new as a fossilised dinosaur egg and just about as fast and exciting, this is a depressingly poor degradation of a once great original.

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May 14, 2015

The ingredients are there for a transcendent action strategy but the reality is that Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. is disappointingly mundane and only fitfully entertaining.

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Nov 3, 2015

Despite the name this lacks any kind of zip at all, in what may be the most mundane and unexciting platformer Nintendo has ever put their name to.

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Extremely short, extremely dull, and extremely expensive for what it is. Dead Rising 3 may not be the greatest launch game ever but it deserves better than this.

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Nov 18, 2013

Spiritual or not this is a poor sequel to the Panzer Dragoon games, and its tame and repetitive action will certainly not win the series any new fans.

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Sep 16, 2014

It always sounded like a bad idea, but although Zelda has inspired one of the best Dynasty Warriors games to date the end result is still well below average by any other standard.

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Apr 16, 2015

A tepid sequel to Kirby: Power Paintbrush, that even with its short running time barely manages to stretch it's small collection of ideas across a whole game.

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