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Generación Xbox

962 games reviewed
77.5 average score
79 median score
55.5% of games recommended

Generación Xbox's Reviews

93 / 100 - Blasphemous 2
Aug 17, 2023

Up to this point it is quite clear that this is no ordinary continuation; The number two is not just an indication of a simple sequel. This time we find that Blasphemous II is more and better than its first installment, as we have seen in each of its sections, standing out in all of them and raising the bar of quality to exorbitant levels.

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Aug 15, 2023

I think I've rarely been so clear that a game in which gameplay is not its main attraction, manages to be a real game. The way in which Dimfrost Studio manages to make you feel inside a fable with dark touches is brilliant. From the artistic design to the short puzzles designed to let you move fast are well measured.

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80 / 100 - F1 Manager 2023
Aug 14, 2023

Frontier was encouraged little in this new edition, the truth is that it followed a continuous formula with minimal variations in a new installment that many may feel more like an update of F1 Manager 2022 than a full-fledged new game. The title itself does not disappoint, the new game modes are a very interesting addition and if you do not have the 2022 edition and are passionate about Formula 1, I would tell you to buy the game right now, if on the other hand, you have already won the first installment and you are looking for a brutal improvement and many new features, I am sorry to tell you that you will not

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90 / 100 - Remnant II
Aug 13, 2023

It was not a surprise and it has been again for many. We almost hurt that the launch of Baldur's Gate 3 has come so close and has suddenly stopped talking about how incredibly well Gunfire Games has turned out the second part of its way of understanding a soulslike. Remnant 2 retains all the fun of the original, the procedural maps, the fun bosses at the end of the phase and still manages to twist its formula with some details that strengthen and lengthen it in an incredible way.

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84 / 100 - Atlas Fallen
Aug 9, 2023

Atlas Fallen is a game that I wanted to play since I saw the first videos, although once played it does not reinvent the wheel, if it does enough things well to consider it a game to take into account if you like its premises. It is an RPG, with a light combat system like a Hack and Slash, with touches of Darksiders and a great atmosphere.

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90 / 100 - Adore
Aug 9, 2023

In short, "ADORE" offers a satisfying gameplay experience in terms of duration, providing both a well-structured main story and additional opportunities to explore and improve our skills. Without a doubt a title that will leave a lasting mark on the gaming community, whether for better or for worse, becoming a clear example of the talent and creativity that can arise from Brazilian studios in the video game industry.

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Jul 31, 2023

As players, we must make decisions so that the story of Death Becomes You puts the cards on the table, risking pointing the finger at someone despite the consequences we may face a posteriori, or that someone suffers a horrendous end.

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57 / 100 - Insomnis
Jul 29, 2023

Insomnis is an environmental horror game that sins of predictable and having a script that rushes in the final stretch of the game. It starts well cohesive, but as you progress, everything loses strength causing the story to accelerate. It's as if they were in a hurry to finish the game just when it was starting to look its best. And it's a shame, I would have liked to see more delving into the relationship between Joe and his grandfather Roman. Or that more details were given about some phenomena that happen and that remain in the air.

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Have no doubt, Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons is one of the best beat 'em ups of recent times, and considering the great quality we have had in the genre today, this is more than a compliment.

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Sometimes, there are titles that deserve a second chance, perhaps to have new followers or perhaps to remind us of old glories that deserve to be revived once again. This time we refer to We Love Katamari Reroll + Royal Reverie, a very fun game, with a very addictive game mode that will keep us with the command, looking to replay and prove that we are very good and skilled.

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78 / 100 - GYLT
Jul 24, 2023

I enjoyed playing Gylt, I think it's a title that deserved to be rescued from the Google Stadia debacle and I think it's a game that is encouraged to tell a deeper story that nuances with graphic horror but that can be quietly the life of a troubled teenager and I think the storytelling does a great job of leaving the player thinking, Remembering other times, perhaps in which all of us have undoubtedly been witnesses, victims and sadly victimizers of bullying.

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75 / 100 - Exoprimal
Jul 18, 2023

Exoprimal is a great video game, with fun gameplay and a lot of potential, but it has been stuck in that, a game with potential. The lack of content and its lack of life in intentionality makes it one more game of the bunch, one that you enjoy 2 weeks and leave lying around. That the above is not bad in itself, but unfortunately it is only PvP multiplayer, and these games survive that you play for years.

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Generación Xbox
Javi Striker
Jul 18, 2023

Aliens: Dark Descent is one of the best games in the franchise that have come out in recent years, with an interesting story that fits very well within its universe, in addition to being a horror game, it is possible to transmit a heavy and burdensome atmosphere with which they have to deal from the characters we send to the missions, as well as the player himself, because a false step can be the end of the peloton and making us restart from the nearest control point, which do not usually abound too much. For all this, I think it is at the height of Alien: Isolation and can be put in any top of best titles developed with these fierce aliens.

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Atelier Marie Remake: The Alchemist of Salburg is an invitation to rescue the dreams we left behind, some of which are claiming a place in our adult lives to feel ourselves again. And it does so through a very minimalist and colorful proposal that seems taken from a story. A proposal that emphasizes relaxation without resorting to tension, to be able to walk at our own pace feeling our own feet.

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78 / 100 - Burnhouse Lane
Jul 11, 2023

Burnhouse Lane is a delivery made for fans of graphic adventures and also who have an attraction for survival horror. We are not facing a horror game to use, but rather has some confrontations against enemies that remind you of that due to the little ammunition or resources you will have.

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Jul 10, 2023

The low point of the compilation is that it feels like a disappointment for those who bought Sonic Origins, since this addition, could well have been included in the first part or be a free DLC for players who were made with this first version, although in favor of Sega I will say that the value of the first game with the expansion did drop in price in the Xbox store.

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70 / 100 - The Valiant
Jul 10, 2023

The Valiant is an RTS that doesn't invent anything new. It does not present a great novelty in the genre and the feeling it leaves is that we have already seen everything in other titles. It is true that constantly innovating is complicated, we do not deny it, but there is always some element or something that stands out, which we do not find in this title.

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Jul 6, 2023

Reviewing the analysis I see more positive points than negatives, and truth be told, I liked the game. I celebrate that there are more wrestling games, more arcades and more fighting titles and I think this installment of Yuke's is a good first step, it lacks several blows of oven, but I bet to see more deliveries of AEW in the future with more modes, improved graphics and this same imprint, that of fun above all, which is what the game achieves despite its technical aspect.

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Jul 2, 2023

Miasma Chronicles is the evolution of Mutam Year Zero. The Beardes Ladies could have released a sequel to the title, but it was launched to create a new IP, making it clear that in this to build post-apocalyptic worlds are the best. In addition, they manage to improve their formula for success, with a stealth system and deeper ambush that gives a wide variety of opportunities when planning each combat. Being able to eliminate several enemies prior to combat is undoubtedly a great idea, which adds one more point to the tactics of combat although, in this case, it is outside of it. And it's very rewarding.

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80 / 100 - F1 23
Jul 2, 2023

F1 2023 does not reinvent the wheel, that is true, but the additions it has made added to the corrections implemented in the control make the title worthwhile for any fan of the highest category of motorsport.

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