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Hey Poor Player

1541 games reviewed
73.8 average score
80 median score
59.3% of games recommended

Hey Poor Player's Reviews

3.5 / 5.0 - One Military Camp
Sep 27, 2023

One Military Camp is a solid, if somewhat safe, base builder that makes crafting your own base and developing your own army a genuinely entertaining affair. There’s a real satisfaction to be had in finally landing on the perfect base and developing squads of soldiers that stand the best chance of surviving certain missions. It’s a shame, then, that an overreliance on manually managing your troops and base, and the lack of any interactive missions or battles, leaves it currently feeling like a bit of a missed opportunity, and somewhat half-baked. That being said, with such a solid foundation, there is definitely fun to be had for fans of the genre, and with a few more content updates that would hopefully address some of the quality-of-life issues while fleshing out some of the more passive elements, One Military Camp has the potential to be something special.

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The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails is a fun action RPG whose portable origins shine through for better and worse. While definitely fun, its story and gameplay can feel a tad slight at times, especially as the game goes on. Still, fans of Falcom’s other titles will find a lot of what they love about the developer’s work here and should absolutely give The Legend of Nayuta a shot.

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3 / 5.0 - Silent Hope
Sep 27, 2023

For a game that’s supposedly Rune Factory-adjacent, I’ve got to say that I feel a little let down here. Between its engaging premise, large cast of playable characters, and emphasis on crafting, Silent Hope offers a lot to players but never really goes anywhere interesting with it. As a fan of both Marvelous and Rune Factory, I know that this developer is capable of creating games with plenty of depth. Ironically, however, the game about literally exploring a near-endless abyss isn’t one of them. The game does have its charms, to be sure, but the sheer amount of potentially cool things that it could have done (and didn’t do) left me feeling more frustrated than anything.

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Sep 26, 2023

El Paso, Elsewhere stands as a testament to what indie games can achieve. While it borrows elements from giants, it carves its unique identity, blending retro aesthetics, a gripping narrative, and a hip-hop soundtrack into a cohesive experience. Its shortcomings, though present, don’t overshadow its achievements. The game offers a haunting journey through its surreal world, making it a memorable title in the third-person shooter genre. As the credits rolled, I couldn’t help but appreciate the game’s effort to be more than just another shooter—it’s an earnest triumph that breathes freshness into a sea of familiarity.

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Sep 20, 2023

Phantom Liberty on its own would be a stellar expansion, but combined with the radical 2.0 update, it’s a game changer for Cyberpunk 2077. The road to redemption has been long, and yes, you could argue that it’s unacceptable that such a long road to redemption was even required, but it’s hard to argue that CD Projekt Red hasn’t paid its dues at this stage. Phantom Liberty almost feels like a celebration – CD Projekt Red bowing out on an amazing high, with fans finally able to play a version of Cyberpunk 2077 that feels closer to those original promises than it ever has. Whatever way you look at it, update 2.0 and Phantom Liberty combined are a fantastic capstone on the Cyberpunk 2077 journey, and one that everyone should experience.

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Sep 20, 2023

Taito Milestones 2 doesn’t do a lot to justify its existence. I usually don’t overly factor price into my thoughts on a game, but when you can purchase almost every game in the collection separately with the exact same features, it’s hard not to. This collection gives you ten Arcade Archives games for the price of five. That’s a good deal if you want all of these titles, but it’s hard to see most players wanting all ten of these games. There are five I would particularly recommend, and one of those has another version in a different collection, which is a better fit for the Switch. When two of the three exclusives to this collection aren’t very good, it gets even harder to recommend. Ultimately, those who do pick up Taito Milestones 2 will find some fun games included, but the best of these titles deserve more than such a barebones release.

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Sep 20, 2023

With its bite-sized stages and mostly braindead enemies, CrossFire: Sierra Squad might disappoint players hoping to find the closest thing to Call of Duty in VR. However, that doesn’t mean you should write it off completely. If you’re looking for a solid arcade shooter with a wide variety of weapons to wield and lots of replay value, CrossFire: Sierra Squad is a solid addition to your PSVR2 library. And if you can find a friend to enlist with, you’re bound to have some fun ridding the world of terrorists, one bullet at a time.

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2.5 / 5.0 - NBA 2K24
Sep 19, 2023

There’s still a lot of good basketball in NBA 2K24 but it mostly feels buried in modes the developers are trying hard to keep new players from discovering. The series’ formerly rock-solid gameplay foundation feels like it’s slowly slipping away as well. Minor improvements around the edges don’t offset this slippage and the series’ continued descent into being nearly unplayable without spending a fortune on microtransactions. If you’re a series veteran who is willing to spend the vast amounts of money needed to compete online, you already know you’re buying this. The same is true of long-time series veterans who know where to find the best parts of the game even when they’re hidden away. With all its issues, though, it’s hard to recommend NBA 2K24 to anyone else.

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4.5 / 5.0 - 30XX
Sep 15, 2023

Put simply, 30XX is by far the superior Mega Man-inspired rogue-like experience. It oozes style and features challenging gameplay and diverse bosses. I wouldn’t mind more to do in the game, but that in no way changes how well-made the experience is in general. If you’re at all a fan of rogue-like platformers, buying this is a no-brainer. Here’s hoping this isn’t the last such adventure we’ve seen from the folks at Batterystaple Games!

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4.5 / 5.0 - Party Animals
Sep 15, 2023

Party Animals could easily have been a derivative Gang Beasts or Fall Guys clone, but its incredibly creative maps and modes, along with the wealth of content that will be available at launch, have resulted in a title that feels like it has a real shout at joining the regular rotation of party game fanatics with immediate effect. Minor gripes with match length and camera issues aside, this is an incredibly well-polished experience that I foresee giving me and my friends hours upon hours of fun for years to come. Typically with party games, I only bother with them when I have company around or my better half and I want something fun to play while we open a bottle of wine. Perhaps, then, the biggest compliment I can give Party Animals is that while it absolutely is going to be a great game that I enjoy with familiar company, it’s also an experience that I see myself dipping into while flying solo, making use of the game’s seemingly robust matchmaking. In fact, that’s enough from me – don’t tell PETA, but I’m about to dive back into Party Animals and whack a few animals around the head with an oversized frying pan.

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4 / 5.0 - Lies of P
Sep 13, 2023

Lies of P plays it a little too by the book in terms of gameplay and area design but is ultimately a very solid soulslike, not entirely bereft of uniqueness, granted you know where to look. While I would have liked certain mechanics, primarily those surrounding lying, to have been leaned into a little more, I can’t deny that Neowiz Games did an excellent job overall.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Gunbrella
Sep 13, 2023

Gunbrella offers tight and thrilling action, a moving story of revenge, and a fascinating world well worth exploring. I’m not sure what more I could ask for in an action platformer. While it’s a relatively short journey, lasting me only about six hours, I had a blast during my time with Gunbrella and I think most players will as well.

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Sep 12, 2023

Virgo Versus The Zodiac does a fantastic job of creating a world run by the western zodiac signs filled with their personalities, experiences, and dreams. It has gorgeous visuals with phenomenal music (seriously, that soundtrack SLAPS) and tongue-in-cheek writing with moments of seriousness befitting the story. While I wish the combat had been deeper or had more variety, it didn’t stop me from enjoying this nod to classic turn-based RPGs at all. If you’re ready to undertake the holiest of quests and usher in the Golden Age, Virgo Versus The Zodiac demands you take up arms and smite those who would stand in your way.

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4 / 5.0 - MythForce
Sep 12, 2023

MythForce effectively harks back to the charm of 80s nostalgia while delivering the challenges of a modern roguelite adventure. Despite its occasional narrative shortcomings and repetitiveness, its escalating challenges and the unique experience of multiplayer gameplay stand out. For those yearning for a dose of the past with the excitement of today’s gaming landscape, MythForce is an adventure well worth embarking on. And trust me, once you play it, you’ll catch yourself singing the game’s name every time you read or say “MythForce.”

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3.5 / 5.0 - Pocket Bravery
Sep 12, 2023

Pocket Bravery is still a fresh take on the chibi fighter genre and an absolute blast to play through. Hopefully, we get to see more fighting games from this Statera Studio down the road and maybe even some future character releases. If battling with mighty mini brawlers is your jam, or if you’re just a lover of all things fighting games like myself, don’t hesitate to pick up this tiny titan.

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It’s unfortunate that every positive I've mentioned comes undone at the hands of that dreaded localization. There were stretches of gameplay where I was just grinding, or exploring, and for a moment I’d forget what a mess the translation was, immersed in Xuan-Yuan Sword’s perfectly serviceable gameplay loops. But, this is an RPG, and to this player, world-building, deep characterization, and dense lore that I can immerse myself in is just as important to my enjoyment of an RPG as gameplay is. There will likely be a portion of players who will be able to look past this issue, simply content at being able to play a game that had been out of the reach of Western audiences for so long, and that’s perfectly fine. As I’ve indicated, there’s a solid RPG here somewhere and I have no doubt that this would be a fantastic experience had the port been shown the love and care it deserves. As it stands, though, Xuan-Yuan Sword: Mists Beyond the Mountains is such a compromised experience that it’s impossible to recommend in its current state.

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3.5 / 5.0 - It's a Wrap!
Sep 12, 2023

It’s A Wrap! is a clever puzzle game that will tie your mind in knots as you figure out just what is needed to pull off each stunt. While the third set of levels here doesn’t work as well for me as the first two, I still had a fun time going on this journey with Johnny, his director, and the rest of their crew. If you’re looking for a fun new take on the puzzle genre It’s A Wrap! is well worth a look.

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Sep 9, 2023

Still, The Making of Karateka is perhaps the most impressive rerelease of a retro game I’ve ever played. It’s a collection but one dedicated to a single release. This is the sort of release that movie fans get when they buy a Criterion Collection release only for a video game. The new versions of Deathbounce and Karateka alone are worth the price of admission, but with everything else included, this is an easy purchase for anyone remotely interested in classic games. I can’t wait to see what Digital Eclipse and their Gold Master Series have coming next.

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Sep 9, 2023

Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon is a game you can check off your list in a manageable timeframe, a nod to the simpler times of gaming. It’s a reminder that sometimes, you don’t need vast open worlds or endless quests to have a blast.

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Sep 9, 2023

Featuring a visually appealing graphical overhaul and the addition of extra modes to enjoy, there’s absolutely no reason why any farmer worth their salt should overlook Rune Factory 3 Special. The latest installment in the Rune Factory franchise may be a re-release of a 13-year-old game, but don’t let that stop you from diving into this cornucopia of fun.

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