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IGN Spain

1345 games reviewed
75.8 average score
77 median score
48.5% of games recommended

IGN Spain's Reviews

‎It has been very pleasant to enjoy both works again taking advantage of the capacity of PS5 and the DualSense, I can not lie to you, and ‎‎they have eded my appetite for the next steps of Naughty Dog in the new generation.‎‎ If they were able to do this on a PS4, I don't even want to imagine what awaits us in the coming years.‎

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3 / 10.0 - Bullet Witch
Apr 25, 2018

The years have passed, accentuating the defects that Bullet Witch had in 2006. Did anyone want the resurrection of this game?

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3 / 10.0 - Road Rage
Nov 19, 2017

Unfortunately Road Rage is a disaster in all its elements. It is a badly designed game, very broken and unplayable in many cases. It tries to cover an alleged open map and a certain freedom of action that is fictitious, when its technical section does not allow it. It is surprising that such a game has managed to go on sale. He does not remember, in anything, the classic that is supposed to pay tribute.

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May 25, 2023

The Lord of the Rings: Gollum is a stealth, action and platform adventure that has some interesting ideas, but lacks cooking. A video game of classic structure whose gaps are evident both in the narrative, as in the playable, technical and aesthetic.

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4 / 10.0 - Dolmen
May 19, 2022

Dolmen arrives to the crowded soulslikes field with some valid ideas, but failing in the execution of each of its sections. If you're a fan of the FromSoftware formula, you'll find a few things to rescue, otherwise, I don't think this game is for you.

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IGN Spain
Dec 21, 2021

‎Praey for the Gods is a Shadow of the Colossus-inspired adventure with slow controls, distracting survival mechanics, and painful bugs that make it hard to recommend.‎

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4 / 10.0 - Fight of Gods
Jan 21, 2019

A game with a good ideas but there's nothing beyond that, making it one of the worse games reviewed by us on Nintendo Switch.

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Dec 21, 2018

Just a plain bad kart game that manages to copy the best game on its genre but fails on doing it.

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Sep 17, 2018

Immortal: Unchained tries to survive in a futuristic Dark Souls universe but it dies trying due to its terrible attempt to be hard and its problems when we try to manage the histamine bar.

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Dec 11, 2017

Saddly, Soldiers of the Universe crashes in every single part of its proposal. It's a story-driven shooter, but also very weak in terms of technology and extremely hard for no reason.

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Oct 10, 2017

RAID: World War 2 is PayDay 2 with Inglorious Bastards, but it does not end up having neither the charm of the game of robbery nor of the film of Tarantino.

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5 / 10 - Troll and I
Mar 28, 2017

Troll and I tries to go everywhere but instead it just fail in everything. Despite the good intentions there is no direction in the game and they seems to have fit every single idea for a game they have into one.

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4.8 / 10.0 - ARK Park
Nov 6, 2018

A VR game that looks and plays almost like it was born on the PS2 era.

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5 / 10.0 - OddBallers
Feb 14, 2023

OddBallers takes advantage of the popularity of dodgeball to bring us a completely fresh proposal that is only prepared to have a good time with the family.

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5 / 10.0 - Soulstice
Sep 20, 2022

Soulstice is a textbook hack & slash that shows a lack of risk and attachment to certain design patterns that do more good than harm. Its combat system, interesting at base, is displaced by a plot and a progression system that have more prominence than they should. However, if you are missing more battles in your videoludic day to day, its proposal will give you the dopamine demanded through its best confrontations.

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5 / 10.0 - Those Who Remain
May 28, 2020

‎Those Who Remain is presented as one of the most generic first-person horror adventures of the year and does not manage to be easy to recommend when there are so many works betting on similar ideas with a better execution.‎

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Big Brain Adademy returns with an instalment that emphasises its multiplayer part, but falls short both in terms of options and content. What is available is good, but it is also insufficient at a time when it is easy to find more interesting proposals, both in terms of mental training and in terms of the party games catalogue. It's not a bad game, but it doesn't go beyond the minimum required.

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Jun 5, 2021

Necromunda: Hired Gun tries, but stays there. If you are a lover of the genre, its gunplay and mobility will be interesting for you to enjoy its combats, when the game is left.

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5 / 10.0 - Skelattack
Jun 2, 2020

Skelattack is a game with good ideas but poor execiution. The mechanics are flawed and originality doesn't exist. However, the art saves the dishes a bit and offers some charisma.

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5 / 10.0 - Left Alive
Mar 8, 2019

Unfortunately, Left Alive ends up being the heir of a period of Japanese development that we thought was extinct. Neither in stealth nor in shootings convinces.

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