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Kyle Hilliard

Favorite Games:
  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  • Portal 2
  • Mega Man X

138 games reviewed
77.4 average score
78 median score
50.0% of games recommended

Kyle Hilliard's Reviews

Kyle Hilliard has been writing for Game Informer magazine and its accompanying website since 2011. He has a daughter he won't shut up about and can beat Mega Man X in about 1.5 hours.
Aug 7, 2013

Spartan Assault ports many of Halo's best elements to the twin-stick shooter genre surprisingly well

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8 / 10.0 - Resogun
Nov 14, 2013

Worthy of your time, but the lack of content doesn't encourage you to continually return to the game

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5.8 / 10.0 - Tiny Brains
Dec 6, 2013

Some clever puzzles showcase glimmers of smart design, but overall this is an unpolished adventure with moments of unnecessary frustration

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7.5 / 10.0 - Nidhogg
Jan 18, 2014

Pleasure from the single-player is derived entirely from your appreciation of time-based speed running. Multiplayer is where the game fulfills its potential

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Feb 25, 2014

Layton is all about puzzles and story. The former stays true to the formula, and the latter is entertaining, even if some reveals are cringe-worthy

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8.5 / 10.0 - Kirby Triple Deluxe
May 2, 2014

The single-player campaign is the main attraction, offering a fun experience that plays with Kirby's typical mechanics in interesting ways

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Jun 3, 2014

A charming story and world coupled with a fun leaping mechanic kept me eager to progress, even when the difficulty spiked near the end

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7.3 / 10.0 - Lifeless Planet
Jul 3, 2014

Some technical limitations hold Lifeless Planet back from being a completely immersive adventure, but ultimately the experience is memorable

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7 / 10.0 - Crimsonland
Jul 31, 2014

With fun gameplay, interesting combat tactics, and cool weapons, Crimsonland almost elevates itself above its exceptionally boring presentation

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Sep 10, 2014

The dancing is fun, as it always has been in Dance Central, but a number of discarded features and bugs make this the weakest game in the Dance Central series

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8 / 10.0 - Hyrule Warriors
Sep 17, 2014

This aggressive version of Zelda can become repetitious, but there are reasons to keep fighting

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Sep 26, 2014

Neverending Nightmares is an examination of inescapable sadness and horror. I can't call it fun, but it left a lasting impression on me

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7.5 / 10.0 - Project Spark
Oct 19, 2014

Project Spark is whatever you want it be, but realizing your dream project can be difficult to pull off

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Nov 10, 2014

This is a dense, content-rich package that raises the bar for remakes and re-releases. Whether you want to relive the campaigns or revisit multiplayer, you can find something here to enjoy

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7.5 / 10.0 - Lumino City
Dec 10, 2014

Lumino City is a gorgeous enough to grab anyone's attention, but stays within the boundaries of its genre conventions

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8.3 / 10.0 - #IDARB
Jan 30, 2015

Vying for points next to a collection of friends scratches many of the same multiplayer itches as Super Smash Bros.

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Even without being remade, Majora's Mask stands as one of the most interesting and thought-provoking entries. The experience has only been made better for the 3DS

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8 / 10.0 - Gunman Clive 2
Feb 5, 2015

The gameplay will be familiar to fans of NES platformers, but there are plenty of surprises thanks to its shifting themes and levels

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Feb 18, 2015

Rainbow Curse is different from any other platformer out there. I got frustrated by Kirby's insistence on staying rolled into a ball, but plenty of moments of innovation and fun appear throughout

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Feb 28, 2015

The story is silly, but I enjoyed the excuse to revisit memorable moments from the show with a new, sometimes ridiculous lens

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