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PlayStation Universe

2245 games reviewed
75.2 average score
80 median score
53.4% of games recommended

PlayStation Universe's Reviews

Mar 8, 2018

It may be relatively cheap, and alluring to trophy-hunting fiends, but is losing a portion of your humanity really worth playing a game as despicably dire as Little Adventure on the Prairie?

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1 / 10.0 - Troll and I
Mar 27, 2017

Troll and I is ambitious but rubbish, the mechanics are flawed and the storytelling is very weak.

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1.5 / 10.0 - Past Cure
Mar 5, 2018

There's no denying that Past Cure is born from lofty ambitions. Regrettably, those ambitions are not joined with the necessary skill or understanding needed to make Past Cure anything close to a competent, coherent experience. A messy bore of a game that vomits its incoherent nonsense on your shoes as it rambles on mindlessly for ten minutes about why that's important.

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That Afro Samurai 2's first episode gets so much wrong in such a small amount of time speaks volumes about its laundry list of problems. A disastrous experience all round.

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Jun 19, 2023

Greyhill incident is an unpleasant and downright laughable attempt at a sci-fi survival horror game. Rancid dialogue, shonky game design, wafer-thin substance, and a complete lack of cohesive storytelling are just the tip of a very large iceberg of problems.

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Apr 6, 2022

There is almost nothing good about Outbreak: Contagious Memories. From the terrible controls to the lack of simple quality of life issues that were found in previous games in the franchise, Dead Drop Studios want you to believe that all the horrible design decisions were done on purpose. Sadly, it's impossible to actually believe that someone can make something this horrible in hopes of entertaining anyone.

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2 / 10.0 - The Plane Effect
Sep 23, 2021

The Plane Effect tries its best to be interesting but unfortunately fails to provide any entertainment value in what's ultimately a pretentious, self-centred affair. Gaming is supposed to be a form of escapism, yet this one simulates the depressing tedium of a 9-5 cubicle job a little too well.

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2 / 10.0 - Waves Out!
Feb 1, 2021

Waves Out! manages to suck all the fun out of its own potentially enjoyable concept of magnetising balls in order to score goals with fiddly play areas, sluggish gameplay and no sense of competition whatsoever. Stir in a missing four player option and some truly dated visuals and you have a recipe for disaster.

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2 / 10.0 -
Feb 9, 2020

Dawn of Fear tries to bring back the nostalgia of classic survival horror but fails in almost every way. The poor controls lead to most of its problems and a lack of necessary mechanics creates problems that shouldn't exist in this day and age from the simplest of games.

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2 / 10.0 - Decay of Logos
Aug 27, 2019

Decay Of Logos is the worst game I have ever played. It is filled with poor design decisions and mechanics that don't challenge the player and instead decide to punish them for no reason at all. The game actively tries to make your experience worse. The list of issues with Decay of Logos is long: a bad and jarring camera, no meaningful connection to the world or characters, framerate issues, pointless mechanics. I could go on. Just save yourself twenty dollars and don't buy this game.

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2 / 10.0 - Ultrawings FLAT
Apr 17, 2019

Ultrawings Flat is one of the most repetitive and dull games I have played. Offering up tired and simplistic mini-games, poor controls, and a bland environment it isn't worth taking to the skies, even for just a few minutes, especially given the price charged.

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2 / 10.0 - The Quiet Man
Nov 5, 2018

The Quiet Man should have stayed that way.

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2 / 10.0 - Dead Land
May 27, 2018

Dead Land may be an endless runner, but you'll definitely want it to end. It's cheap and far from cheerful.

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2 / 10.0 - Crystal Rift
Dec 13, 2016

A really bad experience that should be left in the Dungeon from once it came.

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Jun 26, 2016

A oily, toxic pool of bad ideas, half-baked mechanics, and shoddy design masquerading as a tough retro-inspired football game. Kick Off Revival is just plain awful.

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2 / 10.0 - NightCry
Jan 31, 2019

NightCry goes beyond the usual borders of broken games and into new nightmarish territory. I have frankly never played a game as rife with issues as this one. If ever there were a game that could be labelled "unplayable", NightCry is the game. Outside of not loading at all, I can't think of another way this game could fail. If NightCry were the last game on Earth, I would not play it. I mean that literally. It's that bad.

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Oct 26, 2015

A train-wreck spin off of a series that deserved so much better, Fellowship of Evil is an unholy combination of so many undercooked elements that it's any wonder the game made it to release. While Overlord certainly deserves better there is someone else who does too – you. Avoid.

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2.5 / 10.0 - Enchanted Portals
Sep 14, 2023

Enchanted Portals takes the foundations of a familiar game in both style and substance, yet fails to provide a compelling experience in either regard. There's clear effort being put into this game in terms of the art and animation, yet the gameplay feels far more unpolished than appearances would have you believe. Random level designs and frustrating enemy placement leads to a game that irritated far more than I would have hoped, with a good amount of my losses not feeling close to my fault.

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Mar 20, 2023

Less a continuation of the Postal series and more of a congealed glob of memories from it dumped into a lifeless sandbox litter tray. The biggest crimes Postal 4 commits are being boring and bland.

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2.5 / 10.0 - Overpass
Mar 23, 2020

There's really no way to gild this filthy lily - Overpass is an infuriating and deeply unsatisfying experience which should be given a wide berth by anyone who values their sanity.

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