Let's! Revolution! Reviews

Let's! Revolution! is ranked in the 99th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10.0
Jul 18, 2023

Let's Revolution! uses the mechanics we all know from Minesweeper to create a thoughtful Roguelike puzzle game unlike anything else.

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Jul 18, 2023

Superbly presented with oceans of strategic depth, Let's! Revolution! is a spirited fantasy roguelite that gives Minesweeper a vibrant new lease of life.

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9 / 10.0
Jul 18, 2023

Let’s Revolution! from developers Buck and Antfood is a simple game that has a complicated underbelly of strategy and asks gamers to make sophisticated choices. While the gameplay is short in its single follow-through, its replayability shows its longevity. While not all of its elements work, especially when it comes to character choice and sometimes random enemy attacks, it’s still a fun game to come back to when you are itching for a quick gaming experience.

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4.5 / 5.0
Aug 2, 2023

Unique, challenging, deep, fun and even gleefully bizarre in certain ways, Let's! Revolution! is a truly superb blend of puzzlers, strategy games and dungeon crawlers that easily makes for one of this year's most pleasant surprises.

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Jul 25, 2023

Let's! Revolution! uses the basis of a classic PC game and adds numerous layers of style and substance. It has amazingly animated characters and a gameplay loop that will hook you at each procedurally generated turn.

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6 / 10
Jul 18, 2023

"Let's! Revolution!" is a beautiful blend of "Minesweeper" and roguelite mechanics, but is missing the overall "wow" factor of a memorable experience.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 18, 2023

Creative and adorable, Let’s! Revolution! is an experience worth your time.

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