PAYDAY 3 Reviews

PAYDAY 3 is ranked in the 25th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10.0
Sep 28, 2023

Payday 3 is a huge step up from the core mechanics of the Payday franchise. The updated gunplay and casing mechanics all come together for a gameplay experience that, as a whole, just feels better. However, it falters at just about everything else. The game is really light on content, progression has been ruined, and the rampant server issues are unacceptable, with the game refusing to work properly even if you want to play by yourself.

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Sep 28, 2023

Hopefully with heist updates and stability fixes Payday 3 will eventually shine.

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4 / 10.0
Sep 28, 2023

Two steps forward with the gunplay and graphics, a hundred steps back with pretty much...everything else. Absolutely not for recommendation in this current state.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 28, 2023

it’s more of the same and not huge on innovation but more on polishing up what they already have.

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Sep 27, 2023

In summary, Payday 3 shows promise with its solid core mechanics, but suffers from server issues, matchmaking problems, and a lack of content at the time of the review. Character progression is slow and frustrating, and there’s a need for improvements and additional content to enhance the overall experience. Subscribers to the Xbox Gamepass may find it worth trying out, but the game falls short of its potential.

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7.3 / 10.0
Sep 27, 2023

Fun and spectacular, Payday 3 marks a decent return of the Payday gang by offering refined gameplay and several new features that are also quite interesting. However, the various positive aspects, such as the possibility of swapping hostages and completing most robberies silently, are contrasted by a small number of missions and a progression system that is too slow.

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PC Gamer
Top Critic
67 / 100
Sep 26, 2023

Payday 3 could be one of the slickest co-op shooters around, but it's mired by a grindy progression system and its always-online nature. It needs some time to cook before it's worth digging in.

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30 / 100
Sep 26, 2023

Starbreeze promised the apex of the Payday series and delivered a game that looks last-gen that's nearly impossible to play thanks to the terrible matchmaking and the awful servers. This game is a joke and should be called an alpha version.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

7 / 10.0
Sep 26, 2023

Payday 3 does what every sequel aims to do: it improves on its predecessor in every respect. We have a qualitative leap on a technical level, an improvement of the basic gameplay, more layered and exciting missions. Right from the start it is clear why the player should abandon Payday 2 to move on to this third episode. On the other hand, however, at launch we are experiencing numerous bugs and glitches, which while not deeply affecting the experience give the idea of a title that would have benefited from a few more months of development and which lacks a good dose of refinements.

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7.5 / 10.0
Sep 25, 2023

If you’re not a die-hard fan of the series, waiting for the server issues to be fully resolved is the best step to take right now. When that is in the past, you may dive into these initially confusing but eventually rewarding heists, knowing that the Infamy system is a stone in your shoe, but cooperating with other like-minded players is an offer you may not want to refuse…in due time.

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6 / 10.0
Sep 25, 2023

After a long time, Payday returns with its third main game. Payday 3 evolves the beloved saga thanks to its satisfying changes, such as improved AI and heists that are more than up to par. However, leaving aside the numerous bugs, the cooperative shooter falls far short in terms of content.

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Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Sep 25, 2023

Payday 3 is a game that looks like it ticks the right boxes to look like a next-gen game and nothing else. The game offers a fun and addicting gameplay loop but it's unfortunately bogged down by a series of bugs and glitches that hamper the experience overall. It also doesn't help that the game's launch state is one of the worst in recent memory in a year that had excellent game releases.

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Sep 25, 2023

Payday 3 is a good multiplayer game in which, although it is not essential, its fun increases considerably even more if we enjoy it in the company of a group of friends or acquaintances with whom we can communicate. A game whose story is not important, but its map designs and objectives are, which by the way are excellent and very varied and will range from something as typical as robbing a bank to more original things like robbing an armored van or robbing a museum, situations that will make each experience different and fresh. A very good option if we like online cooperative games and that we should not overlook, even if we have not played the previous ones, since, we insist, the story is not paramount but the execution of its gameplay. The duration of Payday 3 is quite random and depends quite a bit on the human factor and the chemistry between players, but estimate that there are currently 8 maps available and that each one can easily take 20-25 minutes. We must also take into account the high replayable component thanks to its four difficulty modes, of which even the simplest (normal) is very challenging, and the higher the difficulty, the greater the rewards, but remember, greed always breaks the bank. ;)

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Sep 24, 2023

Time will tell if Starbreeze can build upon the baseline it has built. As it stands, PAYDAY 3 is worth dipping your toes into for the curious, but almost certainly worth waiting a while longer to see if it reaches its full potential.

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Sep 24, 2023

At this early stage, Payday 3 is good, but not great. It’s got a lot of potential and will undoubtedly grow with the fanbase over time. The eight heists on offer, provide a range of missions and objectives and, as mentioned, are highly replyable.

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7.5 / 10.0
Sep 23, 2023

In theory, Payday 3 offers an engaging gameplay loop, and trying to achieve a perfect Stealth heist is both challenging and fun to attempt. However, what Starbreeze's new game does well is mired down in poor gunplay, lackluster optimization, excessive grind and always online requirements.

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7.5 / 10.0
Sep 22, 2023

Payday 3 is designed around those emergent moments that only come with friends, when you're trying desperately to stay in control.

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6 / 10.0
Sep 22, 2023

Beyond the new enemy types, fancy new graphics, and a handful of well-designed levels, I’d say it’s business for usual for the Payday series. With improvements over the second game and the promise of continued dev support for what could be years, I’d definitely say it’s worth upgrading to the new title if you’re a big fan of the second. However, these promises are blindsided by serious server issues and simple quality-of-life problems that need to be addressed first, so I suggest you keep Payday 2 installed for the time being. If you aren’t a die-hard Payday fan and you’re looking into an entry into the series, I’d give this one a pass and hit up Payday 2 until these problems are addressed.

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5 / 10
Sep 22, 2023

Payday 3 has its enjoyable moments, bringing its well-known cooperative heists into a new game engine. However its lack of content, outdated gunplay, underwhelming AI, and unfinished cutscenes leave a lot to be desired. If you're a series fan looking for a substantial step-up in this sequel then this isn't it. However, if you're after a multiplayer title to clown around in for a few hours, this will suffice.

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Sep 22, 2023

Payday 3 has some good, complex levels to do your co-op heisting, but the matchmaking and levelling systems make it harder to have fun with other players.

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