Chained Echoes Reviews

Chained Echoes is ranked in the 99th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
55 / 100
Jan 13, 2023

Chained Echoes is an incredibly uneven RPG heavily inspired by the likes of Chrono Trigger and Xenogears. With bad writing, poorly thought out mechanics, and an overly complex… everything it can be hard to get through. Even so, there is a little fun to be found here, mostly near the beginning.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 21, 2023

Putting aside the distaste from some character depictions and general moments of cringe in the storyline, I enjoyed the majority of Chained Echoes. There's enough mechanical creativity and visual splendour to keep you entertained for the duration, and if you have a hankering for the good old JRPGS of the SNES and PS1 era, this title will be a welcome addition to your collection. Though the game has a very familiar voice, it manages to be much more than just an echo of its inspirations.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 10, 2023

Chained Echoes‘ worst quality is that it concludes with several unresolved loose ends hanging. Getting past this is easy since so much of the experience is a very finely crafted JRPG that one man poured his soul into. The story moves quickly and the cast never stays in one place too long. It is an incredible adventure about the indomitable human spirit.

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7.8 / 10.0
Feb 1, 2023

Despite my frustrations with the combat system, there’s a lot of good you’ll find in Chained Echoes. I can easily recommend this game for any Super Nintendo era role-playing game. A beautiful rose with a very sharp thorn.

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8 / 10
Dec 11, 2022

Chained Echoes is an incredibly passionate love letter to 16-32 bit era JRPGs, but it also knows when to try new things and add modern conveniences. Its battle system is one of the best in the genre, and feels genuinely revolutionary. I was slightly underwhelmed by the game’s rushed final act and a couple of party members but Chained Echoes is a great game and is absolutely worth your time if you’re a fan of the genre.

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
8 / 10
Dec 23, 2022

The best sequel to Chrono Trigger there's never been, with a pseudo-Japanese role-player that maintains a delicate balance between retro homage and modern indie game.

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8.1 / 10.0
Jan 4, 2023

Regardless of the criticisms I have with Chained Echoes, the fact that it was created is astounding and it is clear that the developer has a ton of love for RPGs and why they are so special. The game is unapologetically dense, making a perfect title for those that put in the extra time it takes to learn its world. This is a full-sized adventure in a classic style, making it an easy-to-recommend game for fans of the genre.

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8.4 / 10.0
Dec 28, 2022

Chained Echoes isn't a perfect old-school RPG but it sure as heck is top-tier. I imagine that if it released on PS1 back in the mid-'90s, it would have either been a huge hit or gradually garnered a massive cult following and how many games can you say that about?

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85 / 100
Dec 15, 2022

Chained Echoes is a great throwback to the old JRPGs of the SNES era, and for those who loved those sorts of games, this one is definitely worth your time. This game is also for those who are not looking for a nostalgia trip though. This comes from someone who does not ordinarily enjoy JRPGs, but Chained Echoes is chockful of content, systems, and loads of great characters and complex mechanics. You’ll probably love it if you do or don’t love those old-school JRPG classics.

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8.5 / 10.0
Dec 13, 2022

Chained Echoes is a deep JRPG that will satisfy fans of the genre but is easy enough to understand to attract novices. The combat system, centered Overdrive balancing, is interesting and pretty fast for the genre. The universe, with its mix of influences and retro presentation, offers plenty of secrets and details.

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Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Dec 14, 2022

If you’re a fan of JRPGs and/or turn-based games, Chained Echoes is a must of a time sink. It’s not only an impressive work of solo developer Matthias Linda but a well crafted one at that.

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8.5 / 10.0
Dec 7, 2022

Chained Echoes rises above its SNES-era inspirations, crafting an experience that easily stands out for its own merits.

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8.8 / 10.0
Jan 25, 2023

While Chained Echoes has the advantage of decades of distance from the games it looks to for inspiration, it’s a better experience in many instances than those vaunted games from which it arose. I prefer this combat, storytelling, and approach to progression and exploration to many of the JRPGs I grew up so enamored with playing. That’s the highest praise I can heap on a game so removed in time from the games to which it might be compared. Whether you currently count yourself a JRPG connoisseur or fondly recall the ʼ90s heyday of the genre, Chained Echoes is well worth your time.

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Top Critic
8.8 / 10.0
Jan 20, 2023

Chained Echoes is a well-made turn based RPG with 16-bit nostalgia and classic JRPG identity. Although there are some elements that are not quite fitted to the story as it flows, it is a highly recommended title for those who love JRPGs.

Review in Korean | Read full review

89 / 100
Dec 7, 2022

If you like the classics of the 16-bit era role-playing, you will enjoy Chained Echoes like a pig in a puddle. It takes everything that has aged badly of the genre (random combats, rhythm ...) and brings it up to date with exquisite taste. For something it has been 7 years in development, and it is something that shows. Too bad it doesn't have texts in Spanish.

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9 / 10.0
Jan 31, 2023

I went in with high expectations from Chained Echoes, but remarkably, it managed to exceed every one of them. The characters are enjoyable (although Robb can be a bit insufferable at times), and most of them are fleshed out pretty well by the end. The storyline isn’t overly convoluted either, and has just enough depth and twists to keep it interesting. The combat in particular surprised me with how engaging it was, all thanks to its inventive Overdrive system.

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4.5 / 5.0
Jan 27, 2023

It successfully sets out to reinvigorate the well-worn turn-based combat formula found in many games of that era while adding many smart and well-considered elements to the mix, ultimately creating a bold and involving combat experience that feels classic and fresh at the same time.

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9 / 10.0
Jan 5, 2023

Chained Echoes is a JRPG that captivates thanks to a centered and smooth narrative. The story told, classic but nonetheless engaging, impresses especially because of its protagonists. If nothing else, it is amazing how one person managed to come up with such a work, succeeding in the complex attempt to get to the goal and surprise. A unique way to bring nostalgics and newcomers alike closer to a genre that is always fascinating.

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9 / 10.0
Jan 15, 2023

Picked as #5 in my Pure Dead Gaming GOTY, Chained Echoes is an absolute masterpiece. Everything you love about classic JRPGs is here with the addition of some newer and welcome mechanics. A gentle reminder, ONE man, Matthias Linda, made this game, mostly in his spare time. Incredible, really. Final Fantasy fans, Chrono Trigger fans and Dragon Quest fans – you know what to do.

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4.5 / 5.0
Dec 31, 2022

I’ve played a lot of retro-inspired games this year, and Chained Echoes easily stands out as one of the best – and it’s not even particularly close. With gorgeous artwork, addicting mechanics, and a world that blends steampunk with high fantasy seamlessly, Chained Echoes is a loving homage to old-school RPGs while still managing to proudly blaze its own path. If you’re looking for a challenging (but not punishing) RPG with an engaging story, enjoyable characters, and mechanics that will keep you coming back for hours at a time, Chained Echoes is an absolute must.

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