PAYDAY 3 Reviews

PAYDAY 3 is ranked in the 25th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
85 / 100
Sep 21, 2023

PayDay 3 is the next logical step in the room. Without forgetting their place of origin and what made them known and successful worldwide, Starbreeze Studios proposes a new series of heists with great additions. From an advance in the movement of the perosnajes, with options such as sliding, a great gameplay and gunplay and an increase in customization, the studio surprises us again with a very good shooter.

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8 / 10
Sep 21, 2023

As any larcenist knows, all the best robberies begin discreetly before snowballing into a wild frenzy soundtracked to upbeat electronic music. Payday 3 does this with brimming style, before running away with the money.

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Sep 24, 2023

At this early stage, Payday 3 is good, but not great. It’s got a lot of potential and will undoubtedly grow with the fanbase over time. The eight heists on offer, provide a range of missions and objectives and, as mentioned, are highly replyable.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 28, 2023

it’s more of the same and not huge on innovation but more on polishing up what they already have.

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7.5 / 10.0
Sep 22, 2023

Payday 3 is designed around those emergent moments that only come with friends, when you're trying desperately to stay in control.

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7.5 / 10.0
Sep 23, 2023

In theory, Payday 3 offers an engaging gameplay loop, and trying to achieve a perfect Stealth heist is both challenging and fun to attempt. However, what Starbreeze's new game does well is mired down in poor gunplay, lackluster optimization, excessive grind and always online requirements.

Review in Italian | Read full review

7.5 / 10.0
Sep 21, 2023

It’s an easy recommend for series fans, just don’t expect it to be the lumbering behemoth that was Payday 2… yet.

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7.5 / 10.0
Sep 25, 2023

If you’re not a die-hard fan of the series, waiting for the server issues to be fully resolved is the best step to take right now. When that is in the past, you may dive into these initially confusing but eventually rewarding heists, knowing that the Infamy system is a stone in your shoe, but cooperating with other like-minded players is an offer you may not want to refuse…in due time.

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Sep 27, 2023

In summary, Payday 3 shows promise with its solid core mechanics, but suffers from server issues, matchmaking problems, and a lack of content at the time of the review. Character progression is slow and frustrating, and there’s a need for improvements and additional content to enhance the overall experience. Subscribers to the Xbox Gamepass may find it worth trying out, but the game falls short of its potential.

Review in German | Read full review

7.3 / 10.0
Sep 27, 2023

Fun and spectacular, Payday 3 marks a decent return of the Payday gang by offering refined gameplay and several new features that are also quite interesting. However, the various positive aspects, such as the possibility of swapping hostages and completing most robberies silently, are contrasted by a small number of missions and a progression system that is too slow.

Review in Italian | Read full review

7.3 / 10.0
Sep 21, 2023

Payday 3 takes a big step forward in what has been the sole field of heist simulators. The new stealth mechanics are motivating, the gameplay has been improved and the heists are varied. However, there are still some drawbacks in the current lack of content, the AI and the general polish. However, some things are already being worked on, so that Heist fans will soon be able to let off steam here.

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Travis Northup
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Sep 19, 2023

Payday 3's cooperative heists are off to a strong start, even if the vault is a bit bare at the moment.

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Sep 21, 2023

Payday 3 doesn't shake up its predecessor's formula much, but a strong batch of initial heists sets the live service shooter up for success.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 26, 2023

Payday 3 does what every sequel aims to do: it improves on its predecessor in every respect. We have a qualitative leap on a technical level, an improvement of the basic gameplay, more layered and exciting missions. Right from the start it is clear why the player should abandon Payday 2 to move on to this third episode. On the other hand, however, at launch we are experiencing numerous bugs and glitches, which while not deeply affecting the experience give the idea of a title that would have benefited from a few more months of development and which lacks a good dose of refinements.

Review in Italian | Read full review

7 / 10.0
Sep 20, 2023

PAYDAY 3 is by no means a reskin of the second game, but a true flesh-and-blood sequel, introducing a ton of new features and improvements. The game takes many steps forward while going several steps back. In terms of content, PAYDAY 3 is like a very well-made skeleton that lacks muscle, blood and skin. Empty with just the basics, but with the potential for more.

Review in Polish | Read full review

7 / 10.0
Sep 20, 2023

The caper fantasy experience that the series continues to provide always makes it a good time even when the messy technical aspects threaten to derail it.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 21, 2023

Payday 3 is a great version of Payday, which in itself was a whole lot of fun. At a decent price and with frantic heist action when things go wrong there is such a lot of fun to get out of the game but we are left wondering whether we could have seen more new stuff after a decade of waiting for this follow-up. It will live or die on the loyalty of the playerbase which hopefully means it will do well.

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68 / 100
Sep 21, 2023

It offers shocking moments and its proposal is very attractive, but it is too outdated in the technical and sometimes the development is unnecessarily convoluted.

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PC Gamer
Top Critic
67 / 100
Sep 26, 2023

Payday 3 could be one of the slickest co-op shooters around, but it's mired by a grindy progression system and its always-online nature. It needs some time to cook before it's worth digging in.

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6.7 / 10.0
Sep 20, 2023

Payday 3 does play it safe, it feels like Payday 2 with some refinements and modern elements while not greatly expanding upon the core concepts of play.

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