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MAETH, Rogue Games
Aug 23, 2023 - PC

OpenCritic Rating


Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

Digital Chumps
9 / 10
3.5 / 5
6 / 10
8.5 / 10
Hey Poor Player
4 / 5
4 / 5
2.5 / 5
8.5 / 10
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Critic Reviews for SPRAWL

SPRAWL from developer MAETH is a well-made, intricately designed first-person wall-running game that hits all the right notes with mechanics, gunplay, and level design. It does come with a mechanic learning curve that might frustrate some gamers but the reward of learning the mechanics is far greater than the frustration produced by them.

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Sprawl is a fun shooter but don't expect a good story or replayability value in it.

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Sprawl isn't trying to reinvent the wheel when it comes to retro-inspired shooters, delivering a rather by-the-numbers fast-paced shooter experience.

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If you don't mind the relatively ugly graphics at times and are interested in trying out a boomer shooter that encourages a bit more strategy, then SPRAWL might just be the perfect title for you.

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Sprawl is a focused and fun boomer shooter, even though it whets your appetite for more than it ends up giving you. There’s some brilliant ambience and scenery that suggests a much richer, more complex world than you get to see in its straightforward levels, empty of people and things to do other than an army of familiar foes to kill. Nonetheless, the gunplay is top-notch, especially when mixed with some wall-running parkour action. If you’re looking for an entertaining FPS with a satisfyingly cyberpunky flavour then Sprawl is just the right implant to augment your Steam library.

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SPRAWL is a lot of fun when you get the grasp of movement shooters just right. It unveils the possibilities you can do with a given arsenal and environment, and it yields lots of unique ways to beat your way through. It was immensely fun and suited for both regulars of the genre and newcomers who wish to see how it feels. We are definitely sure that SPRAWL is going to get under the radar and stay as an underrated title, and we highly suggest you check SPRAWL out to get its name out there.

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Purists of boomer-shooters will find things to enjoy, but it may prove to be the discussion over whether Sprawl is a boomer-shooter or not is the most interesting thing about the game. Sprawl will certainly find itself a healthy audience, but suffers from doing too much without nailing a singular element that can carry the rest. An admirable effort that often jabs, but never lands a powerful shot.

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This isn’t trying to be mere nostalgia bait or an ultraviolent shooter for the sake of it. It’s well-written, it’s well-designed, it’s smart, and it sounds incredible. It was a perfect mixture of slightly retro visuals thrown into a futuristic, Ghost in the Shell-esque setting, with all the post-processing effects and gimmicks featured in a more modern game, and juicy combat sections which will please both adrenaline junkies and those looking for a more methodical take on the genre.

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