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1473 games reviewed
72.0 average score
75 median score
56.8% of games recommended

WayTooManyGames's Reviews

0.5 / 10.0 - Bucket Knight
Mar 2, 2020

Beginning to end, Bucket Knight took an hour to turn on, beat, and get every achievement. This ended up being a game that required a lot of patience, as the controls, collision, textures, and basically everything else ended up being an absolute mess. I couldn’t help but ask the entire way through the game if there was any quality assurance put into it.

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Dec 19, 2022

Why fix what isn’t broken? For some reason, Cobra Kai 2 decided to go off in a whole new direction from the original game, which was on form and simply just needed a touch of polish. Instead, here we are with something that is so out of left field, and so horrifically broken, that playing it felt more like a chore than a hobby. Hopefully, if a third game ever comes to fruition somehow, I hope there is a long, hard look at what that game should be, and maybe just a touch of quality assurance.

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1 / 10.0 - Spectrewoods
Jul 30, 2021

I would be able to ignore Spectrewoods‘ existence if this game was either a tech demo, a free title, or your run-of-the-mill Steam shovelware, but this is a PlayStation 4 title being sold for actual money. It’s a commercial product, and a truly terrible one at that.

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Gekisou! Benza Race: Toilet Shooting Star is a truly baffling waste of time I would have clearly ignored if it was kept as a Japanese eShop exclusive, as it should have been. It wasn’t the case, however, as some mad mind decided to release it in the West with absolutely no translation or localization efforts. What we ended up getting as a result was a near criminal waste of thirteen dollars, where you can’t have fun with its premise, nor can you understand what the hell is happening onscreen. Fittingly enough, a game about toilets deserves to be thrown into one.

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Burrow of the Fallen Bear: A Gay Furry Visual Novel really stressed the point that people who enjoy this game also enjoy multiple sexual encounters with multiple partners with zero connection other than physical. That all beliefs, ideas and personal codes can be thrown out the window if arousal is observed. If this is just meant to be erotica, put that in the title.

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1.5 / 10.0 - Neko Secret Room
Jun 22, 2022

It’s not sexy enough to justify how bad the gameplay is, there is no story that could possibly explain anything that’s happening on screen (why am I hacking into a computer to look at nude photos of strangers?), and the number of titles out there that deliver more eroticism with less blatant sex pandering are high. Everyone will judge you for playing this, and no one will be your character witness in court afterwards. It’s hot trash, and if you’re seriously into the character design here, there are better games that are actually games. Please, don’t do this to yourself. You deserve better.

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1.5 / 10.0 - Popeye
Nov 4, 2021

Popeye is… well, it’s something else. It’s a game. It doesn’t crash upon booting it up, and pressing buttons results in actions happening onscreen. That is the best praise I can give to this astonishing Switch exclusive. It makes me even wonder as to how the developers have managed to snag the licensing rights for the franchise to begin with.

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Jun 15, 2021

Outbreak: Endless Nightmares is just a bad game. Everything from the awful controls, terrible pseudo-randomised level design, a paper-thin story that I can tell you nothing about, all make for a horrible experience. Then mix in needless roguelike elements that just don’t belong in a Resident Evil style title. It’s a recipe made in hell.

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Mar 22, 2021

Taishogun: The Rise of Emperor might actually be the best game ever developed by Gilson B. Pontes, but that’s far from being a badge of honor. It’s still a poorly crafted Dark Souls clone with abysmal controls and no fun to be had whatsoever. The questions of how the developer managed to get a devkit to make these games and whether Sony is even aware of these terrible titles being released for its consoles, still linger.

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1.5 / 10.0 - Hed the Pig
Jan 17, 2021

As expected, Hed the Pig is terrible, absolutely abysmal, with terrible visuals, controls, and one of the most boring gameplay loops in recent memory. It’s the game that makes me wonder how easy it must be to get one of these Switch devkits. Why was this conceived, and most importantly, approved for commercial release, will remain as one of the biggest mysteries of the universe.

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1.5 / 10.0 - Road Bustle
Sep 15, 2020

You’ll spend about fifteen minutes between downloading Road Bustle, getting all of its trophies, and uninstalling it. It actually took longer for me to write this review than it took me to 100% the freaking thing. Technically speaking, it’s not a completely broken game, as it does what it advertises, but it’s so pathetic and uninspiring.

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1.5 / 10.0 - Element: Space
Apr 7, 2020

I’m just here to tell you that this would be a game that I could at no point in good faith recommend anyone to play unless they’re desperate for a brand new game of this genre. Even then, the game looks and controls like it’s older than most.

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Jan 30, 2023

It would be overdramatic to say that Neptunia: Sisters Vs. Sisters broke me. Instead, more accurately is it just bored me to no end. The style of the game and everything it’s doing seems like it should make for a fun experience, but the execution is miles off the mark. Based on previous games, this game would be looking to be about twenty hours of gameplay total, if that’s the case, I would be willing to barter that only the biggest of Neptunia fans will stick with it the whole way through, because even Final Fantasy XIII felt like less of a slog.

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2 / 10.0 - Aquarist
Oct 19, 2022

This is a fully formed digital release on the most profitable console on the planet at this time. It has nothing for no one, and I’m just sad that someone probably will play this in an attempt to make life a bit better. Bad news, mate: this fish is dead in the water.

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2 / 10.0 - Evil Inside
Apr 1, 2021

Evil Inside is yet another failed attempt to recapture the brilliance of PT in a “full game” format, but it ends up missing the mark in every single way you could possibly imagine. This isn’t scary at all, it’s just boring, uninteresting, and most importantly, annoying, mostly due to the overabundance of loud noises and jump scares. There are much better PT-inspired horror games out there, so don’t fret with this one.

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Dec 9, 2020

If you want to add another platinum trophy to your collection with little to no effort, then sure, go ahead, My Name Is Mayo 2 is the game for you. Just be aware of the imminent carpal tunnel syndrome you’re going to develop.

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As an adaptation of a beloved classic, Grey Skies: A War of the Worlds Story won’t do anything for anyone. As a standalone game, it still won’t do anything for anyone. The incredibly slow paced stealth sections, poor level design and insane difficulty spikes makes for a broken and frustrating gameplay experience that is simply impossible to recommend.

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2 / 10.0 - Boreal Tales
May 22, 2020

On the whole, I was disappointed by Boreal Tales. There might have been some potential for an interesting game in here, but that’s all buried beneath strange design choices, frustrating controls, an overly convoluted story, and a myriad of bugs. I can’t imagine it would be worth your time, even if the bugs were fixed.

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2 / 10.0 - Antares
Mar 1, 2020

If the huge frame rate drops don’t put you off while playing Antares, the repetitive enemy designs and overall boring gameplay loop will. There is some hidden potential for a good game in here, and some credit needs to be given to the fact that this has been developed by a single person, but considering its current massively underwhelming state, there’s no way I can recommend this to anyone.

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2.5 / 10.0 - Gungrave G.O.R.E
Dec 7, 2022

I had such high hopes for Gungrave G.O.R.E. and it peaked with the intro cutscene, but it all fell apart from the moment the gameplay started. The worst part is I continued to play mostly in hopes it got better, but also because I just wanted to see more cutscenes. In the end through, Gungrave G.O.R.E. just didn’t feel like a game that respected the time of the people playing it, and didn’t respect the fans who returned from the PS2 days.

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