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824 games reviewed
75.6 average score
80 median score
50.4% of games recommended

WellPlayed's Reviews

Unscored - Splatoon 3
Sep 7, 2022

If you’re in it purely for the single player content, you’ll find a lot to love in Splatoon 3.

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Jan 2, 2020

Dr. Kawashima’s Brain Training for Nintendo Switch is a welcomed addition to the series

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2 / 10.0 - Sanity of Morris
Mar 21, 2021

A faintly interesting premise is irrevocably squandered by muddy visuals, tedious moment-to-moment gameplay and a hateable weak-willed protagonist.

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2 / 10.0 - Spike Volleyball
Feb 25, 2019

Spike Volleyball is a broken mess. Not even ardent volleyball fans will find this adaptation worthy of admission

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2 / 10.0 - Troll and I
Apr 14, 2017

Troll and I suffers from having champagne ambitions on a beer budget and is marred by a plethora of issues. Seriously subpar technical, design, narrative and gameplay elements make it a borderline insufferable experience, and as a result the game cannot be recommended to anyone at all, let alone at its AAA price

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2.5 / 10.0 - Gene Rain
Jul 20, 2018

Gene Rain is a classic combination of generic game design and poor production that should be avoided at all costs

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May 25, 2023

With dated design, LotR: Gollum is a slow and tedious slog through Middle Earth that even the staunchest LotR fans will struggle to enjoy.

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3 / 10.0 - High on Life
Dec 22, 2022

An unsatisfying shooter brought even lower by an exhausting and all-encompassing script, High on Life can't commit to its satire or ideas long enough to do anything of value.

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3 / 10.0 - In Nightmare
Mar 30, 2022

A quaint art direction and an occasional well-conceived puzzle are not enough to redeem this painful slog through a child's living nightmare. Trial-and-error instakill sections and some of the worst hide and seek stealth since Sanity of Morris ensure the greatest nightmare will be your own.

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3 / 10.0 - Babylon's Fall
Mar 11, 2022

This isn’t the PlatinumGames experience I expected, and that’s the most depressing part of it all. An absolute waste of potential that should have been far greater than this mess of a release that will quickly be forgotten.

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3 / 10.0 - Martha is Dead
Mar 25, 2022

Martha Is Dead fails to deliver any meaningful semblance of the story it wants to tell and ends up being nothing more than a colossal and tedious disappointment.

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3 / 10.0 - ELEX II
Mar 1, 2022

The saying that everything deserves a second chance should not have applied to Elex. Elex II takes so many steps backwards from an already poor game, it’s astounding. Its writing, optimisation, combat, and game systems all stand as a new benchmark on what to not do.

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Sep 7, 2020

Street Power Football is a tedious and overpriced waste of everyone's time

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Sep 26, 2018

Super Street: The Game is the epitome of decent ideas mixed with bad game design

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3 / 10.0 - Road Rage
Nov 19, 2017

Road Rage fails miserably to harken back to the glory days of Road Rash and capture any form of nostalgia

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3 / 10.0 - Dead Alliance
Sep 4, 2017

A cool concept can’t save Dead Alliance from being dead on arrival

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Sep 7, 2016

Inheritance sums up of Layers of Fear as a whole: on paper it’s conceptually intriguing, but lacking in any real quality when it comes to execution

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3 / 10.0 - Dollhouse
Jun 7, 2019

Some interesting ideas and a decent style are wasted as mediocrity gets in the way of any scares

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3.5 / 10.0 - Enchanted Portals
Sep 5, 2023

Enchanted Portals copies almost everything about Cuphead, except for the precision of its mechanics, the tightness of its design and the enjoyment gleaned by mastering it. All the good bits really…

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Riko and Reg's descent to the netherworld is a classic in existential dread and worldbuilding. Playing in this broken world imparts an even worse sense of dread.

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