Wes Playfair

31 games reviewed
70.7 average score
75 median score
67.7% of games recommended
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7 / 10.0 - Parquet
Sep 3, 2021

Parquet unfortunately suffers from a weak protagonist and a sometimes slow story that doesn’t delve as deeply into its transhumanist setting as you might hope. That said, it hits on almost everything else. Well-developed heroines, fun side characters, and meaningful friendship evoke warm feelings, while top-notch production values make the experience a feast for the senses. Parquet is a departure from the usual Yuzusoft romance and might not be their greatest work. Still, I think it’s worth experiencing on its own terms: as a heartwarming story about friendship and finding one’s purpose whose setting offers a welcome change from the usual slice of life experience.

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3 / 10.0 - Zengeon
Aug 31, 2021

Zengeon catches the eye with stylish art but offers little else. Combat is a sluggish chore, progression feels meaningless, and what little variety comes from the different characters is quickly exhausted. Add in a clunky interface and shaky performance, and there’s not much to recommend Zengeon. If you and a friend have cash to burn, you might be able to eke out a few hours of amusement, but I’d say this is one you’re better off leaving on the shelves.

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Aug 21, 2021

Sure, if I look closely I can find nits to pick over the course of The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles’ 50-hour adventure—Sholmes occasionally hogs the spotlight, the cases could do more to support divergent reasoning, I would have changed a few details of the ending—but I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of the journey. If you’re a series veteran, Great Ace Attorney builds on everything you know and love with exciting new mechanics and the most ambitious story and characters yet. If you’re new to Ace Attorney, or even adventure games altogether, this is as good a place to start as any. Great Ace Attorney is outstanding in every facet of its design and production, and deftly avoids the problems that can make adventure games inaccessible. The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles is an experience not to be missed, and if you plan to skip it, I can only say one thing: OBJECTION!

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Aug 11, 2021

Unbound: Worlds Apart is a competent game that, despite its intriguing portal mechanic and charming looks, only occasionally rises to offer more. If you like metroidvanias and think the portals sound interesting, you’ll probably enjoy it. However, it doesn’t quite measure up to the admittedly high standards set by its alternatives.

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Jul 25, 2021

While Chihiro Himukai Always Walks Away has the seeds of some intriguing ideas, it’s ultimately a straightforward iyashikei experience heavy on sexual content. Still, it stands out as uncommonly thoughtful and kind. If a warm, soothing experience with an emphasis on sexuality appeals to you, I think you will enjoy Chihiro Himukai Walks Away.

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Jul 1, 2021

Jeanne at the Clocktower has an interesting premise and does some things well. The novel setting is highly detailed while the story is exciting and dramatic. However, the characters and themes lack depth, so the end result feels like an average fantasy anime. In addition, gratuitous and extreme sexual content further detracted from my experience. I would recommend Jeanne at the Clocktower if you like action-heavy fantasy and the type of sexual content it offers. For this demographic, a score of 7/10 would be appropriate. If like me, that’s not your preference, I’d say to wait for a sale before you consider giving it a look.

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Jun 12, 2021

The Blind of the New World captivated me with a beautiful and moving story about the struggle to look out and build connections across different worlds. Exploring the strange and vivid setting through the characters’ eyes as I followed them on their journey was memorable and thought-provoking. The writing is often open-ended, which may not appeal to everyone, and there are occasional errors and inconsistencies. But I felt these paled in comparison to everything the game does well. The Blind of the New World is an experience well worth having, and I highly recommend it.

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7 / 10.0 - Sugar * Style
May 12, 2021

Sugar * Style is a rush of silly excitement with a sweet romantic aftertaste. It’s not particularly clever or ambitious, but it isn’t trying to be. And though it has its flaws, the comedy hits hard and fast and the romance is endearing. If you’re looking for something lighthearted and upbeat—and don’t mind a perverted protagonist—Sugar * Style is a solid choice.

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6 / 10.0 - Tasomachi
May 1, 2021

I enjoyed TASOMACHI: Behind the Twilight, especially the soundtrack. I found it a pleasant way to unwind after a long day. Despite its charm, I don’t think it warrants an unreserved recommendation. The platforming is clumsy and uninspired, and the story is bare-bones. The visuals are attractive but lack the above and beyond quality they’d need to carry the game on their own. If a simple and laid-back experience sounds appealing, I think TASOMACHI is worth a look. If you want substantial platforming or narrative, you should play something else.

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8 / 10.0 - MUSICUS!
Apr 29, 2021

Musicus! is an ambitious attempt to explore the meaning of music and its possible roles in our lives through a thoughtful coming of age story set in a vibrant world filled with endearing characters. The execution doesn’t always live up to the ambition though. The pace seriously drags at times, and the drama and ideas can be too heavy-handed. But Musicus! succeeds where it most counts. The big moments are undeniable, and no effort is spared in bringing everything to life in as much detail as possible. Musicus! isn’t a masterpiece, but it’s a worthy sendoff for Overdrive and addition to your catalog.

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5 / 10.0 - Sakura Sakura
Apr 4, 2021

Sakura Sakura offers fun comedy and a few touching moments but is a derivative and uneven experience. The protagonists are uninspired, some heroines don’t have much depth, and the impact of the big moments is hit or miss. It might be worth playing, particularly if you like harem anime since the game draws on those tropes. Given the $34.99 price tag, I’d wait for it to go on sale though.

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