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Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed

Apr 25, 2023 - Nintendo Switch

OpenCritic Rating


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Critics Recommend

8.5 / 10
95 / 100
8.5 / 10
Nintendo Life
10 / 10
Pure Nintendo
9.5 / 10
9 / 10
Saudi Gamer
8 / 10
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Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed Media

Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed – Coming 4/25 thumbnail

Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed – Coming 4/25

New Battle!!! – Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed – Nintendo Switch thumbnail

New Battle!!! – Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed – Nintendo Switch

Critic Reviews for Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed

Impressive efforts with a few noticeable problems holding them back. Won't astound everyone, but is worth your time and cash.

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Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed is a fantastic addition to the Xenoblade Chronicles saga. It ties up the story so far in a nice thematic bow, with equal amounts of new additions and returning favorites. The combat system is tighter and incredibly satisfying, and is even tied to exploration to make you feel like you're always growing. Once again, I can't wait to see what Monolithsoft cooks up next.

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Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed is the answer to fans' dreams, as well as a solid bridge that inextricably links the first two numbered chapters of the franchise to the third.

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Just like it did with the excellent Torna – The Golden Country, Monolith Soft has given us a carefully refined prequel experience here, adding to and improving upon core combat and exploration elements that were already best-in-class. Xenoblade Chronicles 3's delightful battle system feels better than ever, its stunning landscapes are packed full of exploration that's been reinvigorated thanks to the new Affinity system and there's enough emotion and revelations packed in to satisfy the most ardent of Xenoblade fans. It also provides something of a clean slate going forward for this most intriguing of franchises. Where will the world of Xenoblade take us next? We cannot wait to find out.

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Future Redeemed is yet another excellent Xenoblade entry from the team at Monolith Soft, with refined gameplay and a beautiful world replete with characters we know and love.

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Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed is an absolutely essential component of the Xenoblade Chronicles trilogy. Combat and exploration are tightly refined to keep things moving along, so there's never a dull moment unless you choose to take a breather. The story relies heavily on nostalgia for its emotional moments, but fans will be pleased that some of the loose ends are finally tied together, albeit with knots they likely didn't expect.

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Future Redeemed feels like a final piece to a story more than a decade in the making. It re-unites old friends, reminds you that N is still one of the best villains the series has ever come up with, and reignites that feeling you had when the original Xenoblade suddenly cut to a space station and your perception of the game permanently shifted. If Takahashi decides to revisit this universe in the future, I'll happily join in, but if this truely does mark the end for the Klaus trilogy, I leave happy.

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Saudi Gamer

Unknown Author
8 / 10
Saudi Gamer

Xenoblade 3 Future Redeem did everything right to give this trilogy the respectful conclusion it deserved, it is a masterpiece marred by a convoluted battle system that keeps getting more complicated as the time goes on

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